more CALL GERRY ANYTIME(216)577-7552 Offered up for your delight is this HEAVY 1980s TAMA MASTERCRAFT Metal 6.5" X 14" Imperialstar KINGBEAT(Parallel Throwoff) Snare Drum that is in EXCELLENT Condition. I will gladly help you break down some more rudiments if you like.I have a TON of great cymbals and snares for sale so be sure to check out MY STORE and ALL of my listings here: Yes. If you need help with this process or have questions just ask. This process is confusing to start off with but it is easy if you look at rudiments as stoke types and break them down for one hand.(figure out what the right hand is playing and play just that hand.) The third note is a tap also(coming from the accent), this is a down stroke. Once again I suggest you bring it to accent after hitting the tap. The second hand is a tap(coming from the grace note), it is also an upstroke, going from tap to accent. I suggest on up stokes right when you do the stroke bring the stick to the next hight.(This will cause your muscle memory to be aware of it and make the playing easier at faster tempos). The right hand on the first flam is a down stroke(accent to tap), the grace note is an up stroke(grace note to tap). Practice playing correct flams where you can here two notes not one. Make sure when playing flams the grace note only goes down. tap- sticks can be 6" or 3" depending if you want to get corps style or just set. accent- can vary make sure its about 9" or 45 degrees if using a mirrorĢ. tap to tap or accent to accent) I'll break down the flam accent for you.ġ. Down stroke(high to low or accent to tap), up stroke(low to high or tap to accent), and legato stroke( Where it returns to its hight being tap or accent, ex. When breaking down rudiments make sure you do each type of stroke where it goes. Or glue an old foam mouse pad to a board. Glue the foam in the center of the board with one color on each side. Cut it in the shape you cut the ply wood,but it has to be 1 centimeter shorter. Get the foam and stack it with its same color. Cut your ply wood circular,hexagon,octagon,some shape that you like that is in that catagory.I would prefere octagon.Make sure is even with your measureing tape.About 12 inches.Make the lines parallel. If you have everything you need lets get started. If you cant find sticky foam get some regular foam and some good glue Good luck with drumming and the rudimential way.Īlso if you want to make a drumpad you can do thisĢ.5 peices of sticky foam (3 white or tan,and 2 black)or (3 blue,and 2 black) I suggest going through these lessons they show you the basics which are aften over looked by beginers. \/\ shows grip fundimentals.I suggest match grip.ĥ. It is easier forming bad habits then to try to change them.so try to start as best you can from the start. Any way you can get someone to show you proper grip and technique. Make sure you have a difference in height in accent to tap relationships.ģ. Play them slow for long periods of time.(can't emphasize enough) and then move it up.(this helps develop muscle memory which helps with speed and coordination. I don't really like hardimons but its all about preference.ġ.
#Pro mark xpad pro
As for sticks, get any decent name brand sticks, vic firth, vater, innovative percussion, pro mark i would suggest some "man sticks" for pad work to help build chops. They sound bad and you will be sad after playing a different pad for the first time. Do not get any pad like the remo that are tunable. Also as a beginner invest in a metronome.