Choose "Mercator tiles" in the first step.To create the tiles with MapTiler you should follow this steps: The tiles must be prepared in a correct way, same as those for real world maps. In this case you will map the world coordinates to your pixel coordinates.
Maptiler custom how to#
If you use MapTiler ( ) to create the tiles you have two ways how to achieve what you want:Ī) Map your game map to the artificial world with Lat/Lon coordinates How might I go about plotting a point accurately in the Bing Maps WPF control if I only know the X,Y pixel coordinates from the original untiled image? My custom map tiles are actually for a fictional map for a game so I don't believe the projection and earth-curvature calculations are needed in my situation. I found this link that provides a class for converting PixelXY to LatLong in the TileSystem, but they are all for realistic world points.

The map is displaying great and everything looks fine using the custom map tiles. The problem is I know the X,Y values to plot from the original image, but I'm not not quite sure how to calculate Lat/Long for drawing a point in the custom tile system. I used this Photoshop plugin to cut the tiles from the original custom image (works like maptiler for google mapes) I would like to get the same functionality working using the map control. The image is 5720x5720 and I already have working (in a different application) a function that manually crops, scales and redraws sections of the image and plots the pixelX and pixelY coordinates in a PictureBox. I am trying to use the Bing Maps WPF control to render custom map tiles from an image of a fictional game world map, but I also need to plot X,Y values on the map from the original world image (sort of like an in-world GPS).