Say, 510 Hz to your left ear, and 520 Hz to your right ear. What it does, is send two different frequencies to each ear. Who knows? How does it work? What to be aware of? Maybe also the gate to another dimension. It is also the state of cognitive enhancement, and peak awareness. I guess I was truly operating on Gamma then. If your brain operates on Gamma waves, you are most likely to have out-of-body experiences while being awake. This is what most people try to achieve when meditating, but is also the toughest to get. Hence why it is the one you work from the most. This is probably the most action-based state of your brain. It is done for highly analytical thinking and problem-solving. It is different from the flow state since this is somewhat more stressful on the brain.

This is the state where most humans operate in the most. The beta frequency is when you are really concentrating on something or you are really awake. This one also reduces stress and makes you more positive. It is also the one I use the most on brain.fm to which I get later. This is probably the most desired state of why people do binaural beats. When you are deeply ingrained in whatever tasks you’re doing, and you just work without issue. You are awake, but you sort of day-dream by letting your brain do what it wants. The Rapid Eye Movement phase happens in 90-minute cycles, your heart rate, and blood pressure rise to near-awake levels again. The REM phase is when you are most likely to dream. Theta (4 – 8 Hz) – REM sleep / meditation Everything is pretty much turned off, or reduced to the minimum, so your body can heal. This is the “healing phase” of your body. Your breathing, body temperature, and brain waves are at their lowest in deep sleep. This phase of your sleep usually happens before your REM phase. The Delta frequency is the one your brain operates on when you are in deep sleep. For now, let’s get over the different frequencies. It doesn’t necessarily mean you are automatically ultra focused when your brain operates on these waves, it just sets the environment. Image curtesy of These waves set your brain up to do these certain tasks like focus, meditation, etc. That said, science found that there are five basic brainwave lengths we use for certain activities.

I know it sounds woo-woo, but as someone who managed it himself, it truly isn’t. Anyway, it’s mostly about meditation and positive assumption, positive reinforcement, and shaping reality with your thoughts. The author is just very… excited about the findings. It does seem like pseudo-science sometimes in there, but it really isn’t. I first learned about this while reading the book “Mind to matter” which I would highly recommend to anyone. As with everything this was named after the greek alphabet. Different states of what you are doing with your brain are done in different wavelengths. Neuroscience figured out that the brain works on different levels of waves. Important note: At the end of this article I have a referral link where you get one month of brain.fm for free! Or you click here Mr.

Find out what binaural beats really are, and how I biohack my brain to be productive with the brain.fm app. Or if you were searching for meditative music. You probably came across that term of “binaural beats” when scrolling Youtube while you’ve been procrastinating.