The IRGC has both domestic and external missions.

Iran’s leadership is kept in power by its praetorian guard, the Sepāh e Pāsdārān e Enqelāb e Eslāmi, or Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps(IRGC). We are the new sultans of the Red Sea as well. We in Tehran, Damascus, and Hezbollah’s southern suburb of Beirut, Baghdad, and Sanaa will shape the map of the region. We in the axis of resistance are the new sultans of the Mediterranean and the Gulf. Keywords: Iran, Islamic Republic, Islamic Revolution, Shia Liberation Army, terrorism, Shia Crescent, Hezbollah, Third World, domestic policy, foreign policy, international army, population transfer This article explores the wide-ranging political and military capabilities of the IRGC, including its export of Iran’s Islamic Revolution to neighboring countries its antagonism toward Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United States its command of a multinational, multidivision Shia Liberation Army and its financial support for numerous proxy terrorist groups that are active in the Greater Middle East region. Abstract: Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) pursues missions both domestic and foreign, chief of which are to maintain the power of the Islamic Republic of Iran and to expand Iran’s prestige throughout the world.